Friday, July 21, 2006

Starting Over

I just found out today that my company has decided to downsize and my services are no long required.

again, I say wow. I'm still in shock over it. I really don't understand why. There is so much that we had on the horizon that NEEDS to be done. I just don't know. This hit me straight out of the blue.

and damnit, I loved my job. I loved the people that I worked with, the work that I was doing and now everything that was running through my mind about what needed to be done or was upcoming doesn't mean shit. So finishing up the three assays that I was working on, now all out the door its not my job anymore. Just everything... just gone.

I go in tomorrow to clean out my desk/office. Just didn't know where to start this afternoon. Seriously, I was in the middle of staining my latest experiment when I was told about it. I went in to talk with my boss afterwards and she burst into tears. I'm going to miss working with her. I'm going to miss everyone that I worked with.

This has just thrown me for a complete loop. My mind is racing with everything that I know that I need to do but there's things that I need to get from my desk/computer first.

So far... I have done a quick search through Monster, Career Builder, and two local newspapers for any openings. Started putting down the basicis for my updated resume. Found where the nearest unemployment office is. Just have to wait until Monday for that.

Can I mention how much this totally sucks???

I do have lots of positives though... I can basically use anyone that I worked with as a reference for a new position. I do have a college degree... Now would be the perfect time for me to test out new niches in my field.

*sigh* and if it comes down to it... I can always go back to restaurant work. I don't want to, but if I need the money.

Also making me stop and think about future stuff. Our lease is up for renewal- do we stay or do we go? What about the root canal I was supposed to have done in 2 weeks? What about the doctor's appointment that I have coming up at the end of August? And then there's the perscriptions I'm on right now.

So overwhelmed... so ready to do something, and at the same time want to wallow for a bit more.

again, this sucks

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